May 2024
NC-Judge finds racial bias tainted jury selection in Black man's death row case. February 11, 2025.
NC-Racial bias tainted jury selection and death sentence for a Black man in North Carolina, judge says. February 8, 2025.
CA-Court grants ex-49er Dana Stubblefield's release from Corcoran State Prison after rape conviction overturned - ABC7 San Francisco-February 7, 2025.
OK-‘Our now-weary bodies have held on’: 109-year-old Tulsa massacre survivors get day in court-‘Our now-weary bodies have held on’: 109-year-old Tulsa massacre survivors get day in court | Reparations and reparative justice | The Guardian. April 3, 2024.
CA-History lesson: State senator discusses the need for reparation laws. History lesson: State senator discusses the need for reparation laws - El Camino College The Union (eccunion.com). February 20, 2024.
US/SPECIAL REPORT- It Will Take Black Americans 320 Years to Catch Up to White Neighbors (msn.com). February 1, 2024.
US/SPECIALREPORT-The state of Black residents: The relevance of place to racial equity and outcomes | McKinsey. February 1, 2024.
US/13th Amendment & US Workforce-Prisoners in the US are part of a hidden workforce linked to hundreds of popular food brands (msn.com). January 30, 2024.
MLK-Reparative Justice Carries on the Work of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Reparative justice carries on the work of Dr. King (buffalonews.com). January 27, 2024.
US- ‘One In Five’ Final Report Explores Destructive Consequences of Mass Incarceration | Davis Vanguard. January 21, 2024.
UK-UK politicians and campaigners call for reparative justice for African slave trade. UK politicians and campaigners call for reparative justice for African slave trade | Slavery | The Guardian. October 21, 2023.
UK-World’s first reparatory justice master’s launches in Glasgow and West Indies. World’s first reparatory justice master’s launches in Glasgow and West Indies | Education | The Guardian. October 8, 2023.
US-This Law Gives Prosecutors Power to Undo Decades of Harsh or Racist Sentencing-This Law Gives Prosecutors Power to Undo Decades of Harsh or Racist Sentencing | Truthout. October 7, 2023.
DC-Virginia-based group partners with nonprofit in effort to break cycle of incarceration in DMV communities-Virginia-based group partners with nonprofit in effort to break cycle of incarceration in DMV communities (msn.com). October 6, 2023.
CA-Visualizing Abolition Studies certificate program launches this spring at UCSC-Visualizing Abolition Studies certificate program launches this spring at UCSC. October 6, 2023.
VA-People’s Tribunal to address injustices experienced by the formerly incarcerated, family members of prisoners-People’s Tribunal to address injustices experienced by the formerly incarcerated, family members of prisoners | Richmond Free Press | Serving the African American Community in Richmond, VA. October 5, 2023.
US-How a New Approach to Public Defense Is Overcoming Mass Incarceration-How a New Approach to Public Defense Is Overcoming Mass Incarceration | The New Yorker. October 5, 2023.
September 2023- UMB Law School, Baltimore Maryland
US-Taking Exception to Criminal Justice Reforms that Fail to Transform: Using Transitional Justice to End the Carceral State (psu.edu)-Angela Allen-Bell, https://www.sulc.edu/page/angela-a-allenbell
Black Philadelphians are overrepresented at every stage of the criminal justice system, DA says-New report from Philadelphia District Attorney's Office finds Black people overrepresented at every stage of the criminal justice system (inquirer.com). June 2023.
Report links history of slavery to racial inequalities in Philadelphia's criminal justice system-Report links history of slavery to racial inequalities in Philadelphia's criminal justice system - CBS Philadelphia (cbsnews.com). June 2023.
Fulton County Jail Crisis: “Atlanta Is Becoming The Mecca Of Mass Incarceration”-https://blackstarnews.com/fulton-county-jail-crisis-atlanta-is-becoming-the-mecca-of-mass-incarceration/. June 2023.
A Son's Point of View the Impact of Incarceration on a Black Mother-https://afro.com/from-a-sons-point-of-view-the-impact-of-incarceration-on-a-black-mother/. June 2023.
Public Enemy and mass incarceration are at the heart of episode 4 of ‘Being Black: The ’80s’ (yahoo.com)-https://finance.yahoo.com/news/public-enemy-mass-incarceration-heart-190027180.html. June 2023.
Study Examines Impact of Maternal Incarceration-https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230623/Study-examines-impact-of-maternal-incarceration-on-health-risk-behaviors-in-adolescents.aspx. June 2023.
Rock2Reclaim; Takes on Mass Incarceration and Its Impact on the Women Left Behind- https://www.blackenterprise.com/rock2reclaim-wrongful-incarceration-women/. June 2023.
How Mass Incarceration Destroys New York Children’s Lives-https://blackstarnews.com/how-mass-incarceration-destroys-new-york-childrens-lives/. June 2023.
Inspired by Black Leaders, Japanese Americans Got Reparations After WWII-https://www.kqed.org/news/11952398/inspired-by-black-leaders-japanese-americans-got-reparations-after-wwii. June 2023.
CA- Mini-Documentary: California’s Reparations Task Force on the Foundation for Lasting Reparative Justice. Mini-Documentary: California’s Reparations Task Force on the Foundation for Lasting Reparative Justice | KQED. May 2, 2023.
Mass Incarceration the Whole Pie- https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/pie2023.html
Women’s Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2023- https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/pie2023women.html
What the US Mass Incarceration Regime Costs Black Women-https://nonprofitquarterly.org/what-the-us-mass-incarceration-regime-costs-black-women/. January 2023.
1 in 4 Women Has a Family Member in Prison- https://truthout.org/articles/marginalized-families-are-hit-hardest-by-incarceration-beyond-prison-walls/-September 2022.
For 50 years, mass incarceration has hurt American families. Here’s how to change it-https://source.wustl.edu/2021/10/for-50-years-mass-incarceration-has-hurt-american-families-heres-how-to-change-it/. 2021.
Redress and Reparations for Japanese American Incarceration-https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/redress-and-reparations-japanese-american-incarceration.2021.
The Unlikely Story Behind Japanese Americans' Campaign for Reparations-https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2020/03/24/820181127/the-unlikely-story-behind-japanese-americans-campaign-for-reparations.2020.
The Mass Criminalization of Black Americans: A Historical Overview-The Mass Criminalization of Black Americans: A Historical Overview | Annual Review of Criminology (annualreviews.org). 2020
Acknowledging Black History Requires Uncomfortable Honesty-Acknowledging Black History Requires Uncomfortable Honesty | Vera Institute.2019
The History of Black Incarceration Is Longer Than You May Think | History News Network (hnn.us) .2019
Inside the “Most Incarcerated” Zip Code in the Country-https://newrepublic.com/article/155241/inside-most-incarcerated-zip-code-country.2019.
Generations of Philly families are incarcerated together-https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/feb/3/generations-of-philly-families-are-incarcerated-to/
How Mass Incarceration Pushes Black Children Further Behind in School-https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2017/01/how-mass-incarceration-pushes-black-children-further-behind-in-school/513161/.2017.
The Breakdown of the Black Family-https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015
1.5 Million Missing Black Men-https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/04/20/upshot/missing-black-men.html.2015.
36,000 Black Men Are “Missing” from Philadelphia-https://www.phillymag.com/citified/2015/04/21/black-men-missing-philadelphia/.2015.
In Search of Philly's Missing Black Men- https://www.inquirer.com/philly/news/20150713_In_search_of_Philly_s__missing__black_men.html- July 2015.
The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration-https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/10/the-black-family-in-the-age-of-mass-incarceration/403246
Punished for Dreaming: How School Reform Harms Black Children and How We Heal– Bettina Love-September 12, 2023
Stolen Wealth, Hidden Power the Case for Reparations for Mass Incarceration-Tasselli McKay.2022.
Searching for Jane Crow; Black Women and Mass Incarceration in America, from the Auction Block to the Cell Block- Talitha LeFloura. 2022.
Black Women, Black Love: America's War on African American Marriage; 2020- Dianne M. Stewart
Black Boys; (film documentary) 2020- Sonia Lawman and Malcolm Jenkins
The Shadow System: Mass Incarceration and the American Family- 2020. Sylvia A. Harvey
The Man-Not: Race, Class, Genre, and the Dilemmas of Black Manhood; 2017- Tommy Curry
13th Amendment (Film) Ava DuVernay. 2016.
Slaves of the State: Black Incarceration from the Chain Gang to the Penitentiary. Dennis Childs.2015.
Invisible Men: Mass Incarceration and the Myth of Black Progress; 2012- Becky Pettit
The New Jim Crow in the Age of Colorblindness- Michelle Alexander.2010
Black Men, Obsolete, Single and Dangerous? The Afrikan American Family in Transition; 1991-Haki R. Madhubuti
Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys Series; 1985- Jawanza Kunjufu